Letters to Sensei Keefe
Thanks for a GREAT experience at the dojo yesterday, and a wonderful, growth full journey in the past year. The kids have learned to focus their amazing kid energy into something powerful and beautiful, we love your mix of serious mastery focus, keeping them on target and giving their best, and also humor and fun.
Thanks for your patience in teaching all three of us!
Our New Years resolution is to not miss Karate!
Happy New Year!
The Gross Family
It was a year ago July when Johnny started Karate. He has come a long way in a year. And although he seems to have a natural ability, we feel he has done so well because you have done such a great job teaching him.
Thanks, Marion McDonald
By Ralph Waldo Emerson's definition, you have succeeded many times over. Thanks for being such an excellent teacher and a positive influence on Daniel.
The Navon's
Dear Sensei, Thank you for taking me into your class for such a short time. Your teaching is exceptional and I know all your students love you.
Richard Barnes, Richmond Virginia
I would not leave Tai Chi classes without saying goodbye. Please tell everyone that I will miss them, especially you. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Sensei Keefe, your ability to share your martial art skills through teaching is exceptional. Thank you for all you have taught us.
Cheryl Stewart, Assistant Instructor, Shaolin Academy
I'm glad to hear the "Lisa McHugh Memorial Tournament" was a success. My students and I enjoyed it as it was both well run and for a good cause.
Sifu Rick Wong, Hall of the Crane
Thanks your for the donation of the trophies for our charity tournament. I am taking your suggestions of adding t-shirts to raise more money. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Jan Marcus, The Dragon's Pool, Great Falls, Montana
I want to thank you for participation at our "Colleen Sheridan Memorial Tournament" and especially for generous donation of trophies. I would also welcome any comment or suggestions on how to improve this event next year.
Richard BenAvraam, Rising Dragon Karate, Bow, NH
Dear John, It was nice meeting you and having you on as a guest. I can tell you love what you do and are an excellent teacher! Keep up the great work.
Jordan Rich, WBZ1030
To the greatest teacher I ever had.
David Triplett
Sensei, thanks for your teaching and for who you are. Best wishes, and please, please continue teaching.
Thanks for the knowledge you passed on and for starting us on our way.
Sensei John, you are not only a friend, you are a mentor, thank you.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Tai Chi is too violent
For me to do
I prefer the fighting
With lots of biting
And help from you
I learned a little Kung Fu
Ron Sullivan
Thank You for starting me on my journey through the martial arts. And remember you can't leave until we say goodbye. I'll miss you.
Christopher Sheils, 11
John, Thank You for everything, you have affected my life forever.
David Jay, assistant instructor
Written on Plaque
Sensei John Keefe – Presented to you for teaching us martial artists, not only how to use our hands and feet, but our minds and hearts.
Students of Shaolin Martial Arts Academy